Single handle moen 1200 series with pull out head wanted

We currently have some cheap pos from blowes my wife picked out when we reno'd our house like 4 years ago. It's dripping more as of late. I have no interest in fixing this thing. I want to find a single handle moen, preferably 1200 series with a pull out head. Around here the only stuff that lasts with our water are moen 1200's and deltas with the seats and springs. That's also the only new faucet internals I stock on my van. Anything else I just disassemble, take pics, and have our fixtures person order new cartridges/stems for.

I am here asking for help because I haven't seen a moen that takes a 1200 series and has a pull out head. I don't like delta as much but if you know of one please mention it.

It's currently a single hole faucet and the wife doesn't want me drilling another hole for a separate sprayer. I don't really want to either because we spent like 300$ for this 3 bay resin sink that is at least an inch thick on the deck. I wish drilling another hole was an option because I have a couple salvage moens in great shape sitting in my scrap pile.

Via Mix ID 8247361
