Important Reminders

1. Please stop replying to spammers. It makes our job more difficult. Simply report the spam and move on.

2. Please stop being so rude to new members. If you don't think they belong on the site, report it and move on.


2. Users shall treat each other with respect at all times on Ideas and opinions may be challenged, but name calling, personal attacks, or other inappropriate behavior will not be allowed and may cause your account to be banned. Harassment will not be tolerated in this community. This includes private messages, Facebook and/or social media and user emails.
2a. Users shall not question or debate a moderator decision publicly on the message board. In the event of a disagreement or questioning of a moderator's decision or action users should contact the moderator(s) or admin(s) via PM.
2b. Users shall not question or debate another member's qualifications publicly on the message board. Instead, any questionable posts should be reported using the "Report Post" button.

Via Mix ID 8247361
