Sump Basin General QA

* Back Story *
Hello All I'm new to the forum and generally do my own diy plumbing.
During the last rain storm (basically 5 strait days of rain) my basement flooded on the last day. Perfectly, dry previous to that. I could not find any leaking down my walls or anywhere else that would have let in 10 inches of water. Leading me to think that is came up from the floor around the foundation. I found this odd being that I was under the impression the house had a sump pump and exterior french drains.
* Back Story Over *

I pulled the lid off of what I though was the sump pump basin (x.jpg) and found the following in the hole in the condition shown in the "Missing Sump Pump.jpg"

I have done quite a bit of research on how these should be installed and no examples say that there should be a 2 inch pipe for the sump pump to discharge into in the basin. Everything I've found says the pumps discharge tube should come out of the top of the basin and go out to daylight with a check valve.

So this leads me to my first question. Is this actually a sump pit? Is it safe to use what I'm assuming to be the 2 inch discharge tube? Is there an easy way to test where the 2 Inch tube is going?

Also i'll apologize before hand if i missed a post. i attempted to do a forum search but really didn't find anything talking about a discharge tube in a sump basin.

Anything else I should check?

Thanks in advance to anyone reading this.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: x.jpg Views: N/A Size: 355.4 KB ID: 108676  

Click image for larger version Name: Missing Sump Pump.jpg Views: N/A Size: 37.0 KB ID: 108678  

Via Mix ID 8247361
