Tomorrow’s job

I’m not looking forward to this repair. Leaking tee in the attic, blown in insulation and can’t see the studs, and about 40 feet from the attic access. I’ll probably go up there and cut it out and use it for a template so I can solder at ground level. I also need to open the wall in the bathroom so I can connect the drop in the wall.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: 7F108335-20CE-4A84-BCB1-1B37419F2986.jpg Views: N/A Size: 310.6 KB ID: 108026  

Click image for larger version Name: 36C566C3-2E5A-441B-B455-1C23F90ECAF3.jpg Views: N/A Size: 298.2 KB ID: 108028  

Via Mix ID 8247361
