Forgive me for I have sinned....

My 1920s apartment building had a kitchen that has been clogged for years and they wanted it opened or replaced. Problem with replacing it is we have no idea where it goes. All I’ve pulled back is rust, could only make it about 12’. It does drain slow, overnight. So we dumped one of those acid cleaners you see at the supply house down the drain and let it sit for a good half hour. Flushed it out with a blow bag. I was kinda surprised it worked. We figured it would either drain or develop a leak and we’d know right where it is. After I flushed it I tried with my cable, but still couldn’t get past the 12’ spot. I’m thinking it’s either a tee or sharp 90.

At least my hands aren’t all sliced up from the metal lathe!
Via Mix ID 8247361
