Plumber from oklahoma

Hey guys!!!!! I'm a 25 year old plumber in oklahoma city. I help run the family plumbing business with my brother, dad and mom. Our company has been around for awhile ( over 50 years). I'm hoping to message a few of the guys that have spartan trailer jetters as we are looking at buying one. Preferably the warrior. :biggrin: Also i love mongoose jetters but are a little more expensive. With the jetter i hope to get some commercial accounts for our company. We do a lot of drain cleaning and sewer repair is a specialty of ours. I'm wanting to branch out with a trailer jetter. We currently use a ridgid electric jetter for kitchen lines so not totally new to jetting just on a smaller scale. I've been a lurker on this forum, ridgid forum and the drain cleaning forum for a couple of years and im pretty sure i have read all the jetter posts 10 times over:surprise: Would appreciate advice and your time on this.

Thank you guys!!!!!!!!!:smile:
Via Mix ID 8247361
