Tips to repair a water damaged subfloor

Tips to repair a water damaged subfloor First remove the damaged floor material using a circular saw set to 1" depth to cut the flooring till you reach solid structural framing. Allow the area to dry thoroughly by proper ventilation. Add the supporting frame as needed and measure and cut the plywood. Fasten the new plywood, using galvanized 8d nails or deck screws. If need be, rent rapid-load screw gun if the area is large.

Probably cutting the floor joist and box around the area. For deflection hangers and glue should hold. Long back, I had problems with the joist. I figured few cracks during a home renovation. I had to figure out the small cracks before they became too costly. I tried seeking help from professional plumbers in Calgary.
For cracked joist, obtain two sturdy flat wood pieces to brace the sides of the cracked joist and prevent further crack.
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