Really bad day!

Started out good, 5 main line prevents all on the same street. First two went well, roots in one, other was very sludgy. Third was clean and smooth other then one spot, suspect there’s a separation, cutter broke... not the end of the world, but annoying.

However the fourth.... well, my machine is sitting in the basement while I’m sitting in my chair.

The lines are all between 45-55’. Shot my cable out, nice and easy, through the auto feed in reverse and the cable locks right up. Forward, reverse to the max and only gained about 4’. Shoved the camera down there and there I see my cable pretzeled in the line. Could only get it out maybe 10’ and it kinda looks like there’s no 90 at the base of the stack, looks as though it drops straight into a city main. I’ve never seen or heard of a city main running under a house before. The antiquated city sewer my 4’ main line attaches runs through my back yard, I see that all the time.

Going to meet my excavator there in the morning. I send them a few mains a year and they use my Master when inside drainage needs to be rerouted. I hope they go easy on me. I’ve had a pretty decent year and decided to go big with Christmas presents this year, no debt, just dropped my savings about a grand below my comfort level. I can handle it, but if bad things do happen in threes... might hurt.

I’ve been twisted up in a manhole before, had to pull a 8” root ball through a 4” line, jumped out of many lines, but never stuck like this before.
Via Mix ID 8247361
