WTF Inspection Drama!

A contractor we know, acting as a GC had us bring one of his customer's rentals up to code. Wasn't a bad job, heater, tub, laundry.... just your everyday stuff.

Inspection was yesterday. He shows up, doesn't even look at one fixture, opens up his computer and starts complaining to the contractor that there are no other permits on any other work. He points to the bathroom window that the contractor replaced with a smaller window so our surround would fit. Contractor, nicely asks what was wrong with the sizing and permit payments were in the mail and should be there yesterday or today. "That's it! I'm not inspecting anything! I'm done here!" And he went to his car to write up a stop work tag.

Now, a bit of background on what is being required by our awesome mayor. Virge is very money hungry. Permit fees can sometimes cost almost as much as the job. Rental inspectors are required to report no sticker on this or that. Then a trade inspector has to look at, let's say a new pvc stack. That's when the flash light comes out. No sticker on the 1950's electric panel in a 1950's house, he calls the electrical inspector, then he comes in, makes his punch list, then he calls the building inspector because the roof looks kinda new and there's no permit in the last ten years. It's a racket out here.

So it got even worse today. Someone with a Grand Rapids number called the city (and all calls are recorded) claiming our inspector was drunk, he wasn't, and threatened to kick his ass. I guess that was handed over to the city attorney, however the city isn't going to do anything and are going to turn it over to Homeland Security. I have the owners number and the contractor's numbers in my phone, and they're both local. Our inspector was ordered to only be in contact with us and not to inspect until a building permit is pulled.

So we call the contractor ask him it was him, nope. Let him know what's going on.

Twenty minutes later our inspector calls. "You didn't tell them where I live, right?" He use to work for my Master, so we know more about him than almost the rest of the population. Apparently the city got another call from the same number threatening his family.

You can't make this stuff up! I don't think our inspector handled the situation well at all, contractor wasn't out of line. We question him all the time and the book comes out. Now this mystery number calling the city making threats... I don't get that one bit.
Via Mix ID 8247361
